Welcome To Guru Nanak Foundation


  • To establish and maintain libraries, research centres, welfare and youth hostels, civilizational centers, skill training centres and as such to render assistance to the poor, marginalized, minority groups, handicapped, widows, orphans, street children, homeless, aged and victims of disaster and calamities.
  • To arrange and conduct meetings, classes, seminars conventions, symposiums, workshops, conferences, campaigns, demonstrations, cultural events, lectures, to provide opportunities for study & research and to make the findings available to anyone who can use them for the benefit of mankind.
  • To offer cooperation and assistance to benevolent schemes which are in accordance with the objects of the foundation whether such schemes are undertaken by the State or Central Government, by public or private agencies, by religious or philanthropic organisations/bodies.
  • To offer assistance and support to such societies and to respond to their invitation to help in all possible ways in keeping with the objects of the Society.
  • To raise funds through donations, by request, by public subscription, by issuing appeals and by accepting contributions from State or Central Government, individuals, philanthropic bodies, religious bodies, institutions, local bodies and industrial concerns, limited or private, wheresoever situated in the union of India or abroad to fulfill the aims of the Society.
  • To enter into any arrangements with Govt. or competent authorities or persons that may seem conducive to the objects of the Society.
  • To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property, machinery, appliances, licences, permits and any rights or privileges necessary or convenient for the fulfillment of aims and objectives of the Society.
  • To appoint legal and technical persons (not being members) for the fulfillment of the objectives of the Society, on payment basis, if need be.
  • To grant scholarships, stipends or subsidy to needy persons, institutions and organizations to fulfill the objectives of the Society.
  • To invest or deposit money of the Society not immediately required for the purpose of the Society in a manner specified by the relevant rules in force from time to time.
  • To establish printing & publishing firms and other media to undertake the printing and distribution of material which is relevant to the objects of the Society.
  • To receive Indian or foreign volunteers and scholars with various skills to assist, help, aid and participate to fulfill the objects of the Society.
  • To take up any other activities may be decided by the Governing Body from time to time, which are not against the objects and basic principles of this Society as mentioned in this memorandum of association.
  • To do all such other lawful acts as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objects of this memorandum of association to obtain and spread the philosophy of Sri Guru Nanak DevJi.
  • To endorse the Human Rights and in particular the rights of the children and youngsters as well as the rights of underprivileged groups and communities.
  • To encourage and popularize voluntary works (eko ;/tk)
  • To register the ‘Society’ under 12AA and 80G of Income Tax Department in due course of time.
  • Patrons as well as well wishers shall be invited and be given due honour at the functions and at occasions of eventual activities of the Society.
  • To appeal/request to the respective state/centre governments to establish an absolute Religious top class International level University for comparative study of World civilization & to establish a world level library-& Religions Research Centre at Sultanpur Lodhi, Distt. Kapurthala, Punjab.
  • To establishment /assist charitable institutions i.e. Schools, Colleges, Universities, Hospitals, Subsidized Medical/Chemist Stores etc.